Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Set 1-29-12

Here's this week's set. We'll be doing a new song called "Lift Up the Light" by Shane & Shane. I think we will do this in the recorded key of A, but I have included the key of G just in case.

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday,

Set 1-29-12
Walk the World (mp3 - Charlie Hall)
My Hope Is In You (mp3 - Aaron Shust)
Lift Up the Light (mp3 - Shane & Shane)
Take My Life (mp3 - Chris Tomlin)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Set 1-22-12

Here's this week's set. We'll be doing the new song "My Hope Is In You" by Aaron Shust and I think the recorded key of D should work well. Since I'm making it easy by staying with the original key, I'm sure Kale will have the crazy piano intro worked out without a problem :)

Remember to update the Redeemer Band Schedule with any modifications going forward (you should all have permission to edit it) or let me know and I can make the changes. Thanks again for your time and dedication.

Set 1-22-12
Song of the Redeemed (mp3 - Charlie Hall)
My Hope Is In You (mp3 - Aaron Shust)
A Mighty Fortress (mp3 - Christy Nockels)
Our God (mp3 - Chris Tomlin)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Set 1-15-12

Here's the set for the week. Thank you for your work last week to lead Redeemer in worship while I was out. I think we should have most everyone back this week, so we should be able to start getting back to a more regular schedule. I've updated the Redeemer Band Schedule through May with an initial plan. Look it over to see if we need to make any changes (you can update yourself or let me know and I'll update it). This week I have Grant (drums), Andy (acoustic), Blake (bass), Kyle (electric), and Kale (keys) - let me know if this doesn't work for any of you.

See you Sunday,

Set 1-15-12
Day After Day (mp3 - Kristian Stanfill)
You Are God (mp3 - Charlie Hall)
Lord, I Need You (mp3 - Chris Tomlin)
God of This City (mp3 - Chris Tomlin)