Thursday, February 17, 2011

Set 2-20-11

I hope everyone is doing well this week and enjoying the suddenly warm weather. Here's the set for the week. "Come Thou Fount" should be pretty straightforward, but I might want to change it up a little the next time we do it. Speaking of future weeks I'm going to be in Italy on 2/27 & 3/6, but look forward to seeing everyone when I get back.

See you Sunday!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Set 2-13-11 (previously 2-6-11)

I hope everyone is staying warm and safe in the weather this week. I'm working in a new song for Sunday called "Day After Day" by Kristian Stanfill. The chords should be correct, although we may want to drop it a little - we can figure that out on Sunday. Also, like last time, I want to do "All Creatures" more up-tempo than on the recording.

I look forward to seeing everyone safe and sound.