Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Set 5-1-11

Thanks again for all the time and work you put into the Good Friday and Easter services last week. I really enjoyed them and thought they were great ways to reflect on Christ's death and celebrate His resurrection. This week's set is listed below. We'll likely do "Everything" in the key of B and I'm thinking about rolling back into the chorus of "How Great Thou Art" at the end. We'll figure it out on Sunday. I'm looking forward to it.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Set 4-24-11 & Good Friday Service

Hey everyone - here's the set for the week along with the songs for the Good Friday service (along with the order of service). There's quite a bit here, but we've done a lot of these before and several have pretty simple arrangements. Let me know if you have any questions.

We'll need to get together to practice the songs for Friday, but at this point it looks like that will have to be on Friday. Andy or I should be getting with you to nail down the time.

Thanks again!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Set 4-17-11

Here's this week's set. We'll be doing a new song called "Christ Is Risen". It's recorded in F# but as usual we'll likely drop it to E (as written without the capo).

Also, we have a Good Friday service coming up next week. I'm not sure who will be available to play, but I'll try to get the set out later this week since we'll have two sets to prepare for next week.

Hope everyone's having a good week,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Set 4-10-11

Here's the set for the week. "Our God" is written as Capo 4, but I'm pretty sure we've played this without the capo in the past. Also, we'll do "Awakening" in D like we did on Sunday.

Thanks again for what you all add to the worship. See you Sunday,